domingo, 9 de março de 2014


Maybe what we want is just a friend at all times is on our side. It's what everyone wants ........

sábado, 8 de março de 2014

Congratulations to all the women of the world today is International Women's Day

quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2014

I love red roses

SOME TIME AGO, WAS SO..............


Sometimes wish I had a friend to tell everything , go to his house to talk , wanted to be me for a day .
Did a friend who said it, I do not want you to go alone, I wanna go with you . Having a friend to all hours . A friend when I was sad vinhe cheer me up . A friend is so hard to find as well .
You know what I love in people 's smile, though I walk lately sad, I love the smile and then laugh a lot and be happy , do not let anyone spoil your happiness.
Many people wanted to see me in the mud , until consiquiram , so when they say that hell is so horrible I can say is that I have been there , but all that has passed. But I wish that someday , if passes without that I remember the humiliation I went through.
Sometimes I would rather escape to go somewhere far away my suffering has no end . I think when will be my turn to be happy. Just wanted someone saw potential.
On my face there is only sorrow s drowning in the sea of ​​pain. I've spent so much , and the more difficult is that I spent alone . I want a friend to help me because I need a lot.


I've never won anything in my life , in the vestibular tests, etc. . Will I gain something , sometimes if someone wanted supports me in what I want to do , but here my family what matters is making money , I want to be free and not have to satisfaction where I 'm basically wanted to live . Here everyone puts me behind and makes me feel a esquerta zero , even my mother who 's who love most in this world who would support me unconditionally . I know consiquo do things most everyone around me , makes me feel a zero esquerta so wanted to stop suffering nobody puts faith in me .


Do not know if it's because I 'm so wanted to do one thing and say I did it. More talk much I will not consequir and end up believing .
They say I'm ugly , they judge me before you know me . My colleagues say I'm pretty, but they know it makes me cheer for me , I know I'm ugly learned to live with it .


Wanted someone said is wow you are incredibly good . But only a miracle ( acretidar someone in my potential) . Not sure if this is possible . Never felt such agony that nothing seems to matter anymore .